Thursday 10 December 2020

Write, Write, Write

“You have to do the best with what God gave you. Run, Forrest! Run!”

(Just the combination of two different dialogues from the film Forrest Gump.)

I was in class 6th, when on one summer day our English teacher gave this project to the whole class of penning down three poems on some specific topics. The whole class, including me was in shock. I mean none of us knew how to write a poem or how to rhyme. But you see it was a homework and being a well-behaved, well-mannered, teacher-obeying student I had to do it anyway. 

So I started thinking, re-thinking and scribbling. After hours of scribbling and searching for suitable rhyming words, I ended up writing four poems instead of three (not that I discovered the poet in myself but just to get that extra attention) My first poems were titled - "Colors of Nature", "Thanks to almighty sun",  "Parents" and "My favorite game: Cricket" 

I took these poems to the school and recited them in front of the whole bunch of my classmates. I wasn't afraid at all because people sitting in front of me had not even written any poem. I did what I was asked to do and received praise and appreciation and applauds. Within a week I was standing on the school's main stage in front of thousands of students, reciting my poems. Well! Things faded away and I didn't write anything for years then(I am not counting those little pieces of writing I wrote just to get some assignment marks and all.)

I started writing again when I reached Indore(M.P.) for my college studies. I got admitted in School of Journalism and mass communication, Devi Ahilya University. And started reading - Newspapers, Books, Novels, Short stories, Poems, Ghazals. In a one windowed, small box like room I met Gulzar Sahab, Javed Akhtar, Nirmal Verma, Ruskin Bond, Vinod Kumar Shukl, Rahat Indori, Ahmad Faraz, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Dharamveer Bharti, Kedarnath Singh, Rajesh Joshi, Premchand, Dinkar, Dushyant Kumar, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and many more people through their books.

It took me one year to say with confidence that - 'I will write from now on."

I met this author from the state of Bihar named Prabhat Ranjan at Indore literature festival and he was the man who told me - if you want to write start writing a blog. And that sentence by him marked the beginning of Prcinspirations.

On 10th December 2015 I scribbled my thoughts on my uncle's desktop screen for the very first time. I thought of a lot of names but ended up choosing this very common and sometimes confusing blog name. Anyway it was never about the name, it was always and even today is about just letting things out of me. Getting rid of headaches sometimes and sometimes letting go the happy butterflies flying inside of me.

I never read anything on "How to write." because you see you can not understand Art, until you create Art. Javed Akhtar at The great Indian film and literature festival said that "When I was in the beginning stage of my screenwriting career I never read any book on screenwriting but I read some good screenplays instead." My blog does not get a lot of views you see. It's a very small Hindi blog with no keywords and SEO oriented content. There are blogs with readers count of just 200 people, 150 people, 50 people and even 9-10 people on some. I won't say I never get affected by such less views because I am human too. And I have human tendencies, human emotions. Saying that I don't get affected at all will make me kinda inhuman and I would prefer to be a flawed human rather than being a perfect non-human. It's okay to be a flawed human, but it's not okay to be a perfect robot.

But lesser views or lesser comments never stopped me from writing again, writing more. You know why?

Because I never started writing for views, comments, shares at first place. I started it because I thought it's a boon that I can actually translate my feelings into words(However this is something I am still trying to achieve). Don't you think how beautiful it is? I sometimes think that the thought of "I can write." Is so beautiful and satisfying that the thought of "I will be praised for writing." Seems shallow and unwanted. Akira Kurosawa, the well known Japanese film director was once asked "How do you write?" and he replied by saying that - I take a clean page, I write Fade in and then I write, write, write, write, write till I feel like writing Fade out. 

Remember you sir/ma'am are the writers of your own screenplays. Never allow anyone else to write fade out. You are the one who started, you are the one who will decide it's course, it's end (given that the final fade out will always be written by the almighty!)

I write, or say I scribble or think daily because Gulzar Sahab asked me to - "If you are a disciplined writer, you should write daily." He said.

I remember Stan lee saying at one of his speech that - "Never allow any stupid person to tell you that your idea is not good enough." It suits everywhere and to everything, I think. People have often said to me - "No one will read your long writings", "No one read such confused writings", "No one pays writers", "lakhs of people try to become writers and not everyone succeeds", "What are you doing with your life?, Stop it, get a job" and all. I get these almost every week(not daily) But still I think that I should not quit writing because this is the only thing I can do, Or say I can try to do. And I might fail in this, but when I think of failing I get enlightened by this quote, shared by Peter Dinklage (Tyrion lannister) at one of his award winning address - "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

"We often think that people get inspired by money, by power, by these small incentives. But what we never realize is that people also get inspired by stories." Said Barack Obama. So, this was my little story. And I will keep writing stories to keep people inspired. No matter how pessimistic I myself am. My job as a "Wannabe Writer" will always be to write for hope, joy, kindness, generosity, oneness, unity, equality and love, and for making this world a better place to live with each and every passing day.

Because that's what Prc"Inspirations" is.

"No matter what anybody tells you, Words and Ideas can change the world." I recall Professor John Keatings from The dead poets society as I end this write-up cum speech. I am Pradumn Rakesh Chourey and this is my blog - Prcinspirations!(You can now clap!)

Keep Visiting!

1 comment:

पूरे चाँद की Admirer || हिन्दी कहानी।

हम दोनों पहली बार मिल रहे थे। इससे पहले तक व्हाट्सएप और इंस्टाग्राम पर बातचीत होती रही थी। हमारे बीच हुआ हर ऑनलाइन संवाद किसी न किसी मक़सद स...